Moira, they’ll think you’re crazy! It’s hard to wag your finger at yourself. The nuns called her Moira because the man who may have brought her to church was found dead at the bottom of the steps. Also, her...
Kiss - Quotation in Six Languages
One kiss takes the soul, another hands it back: may this vital exchange never end. Un bacio ruba l’anima, un altro...
Quotations by David Hume
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.” “Here am I who have written...
The Hunt - Jagten
The Hunt (2012) – Jagten (original title) 115 min – Drama – 10 January 2013 (Denmark) Ratings: 8.3/10 from 47,818 users Director: Thomas Vinterberg Writers:...
Quotation by Joseph Addison
“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.” Joseph Addison (1 May 1672 – 17 June 1719)...