The Help by Kathryn Stockett - Audiobook

The Help’s audio book version is narrated by Jenna Lamia, Bahni Turpin, Octavia Spencer, and Cassandra Campbell.  Spencer was Stockett’s original inspiration for the character of Minny, and also plays her in the film adaptation.”

The book is very beautifully read and the different women narrating (each with their own perspective – following the book trail) keep the originality of the language preserved, the dialogue real and delightfully unique.

The content of the book is reviewed in the Book Review section.

Trivia about the book:

“Ablene Cooper, a maid who used to work for Stockett’s brother, has criticized the author for stealing her life story without her knowledge and sued her for £50,000 in damages. Cooper also critized her for comparing the character’s skin color to a cockroach. A Hinds County Mississippi judge threw the case out of court, citing the statute of limitations. Stockett denies Cooper’s claim of stealing her likeness, and says she only met Cooper briefly.”


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