Paste Fericit! Happy Easter!


Hristos a inviat!


Fie ca Lumina Sfintei Invieri sa va incalzeasca sufletele, sa aduca bunatate, pace, iubire, seninatatea de care avem toti nevoie sa ne descretim fruntile, sa ne bucuram de familie, de prieteni, sa vedem binele si frumosul ce ne inconjoara si sa uitam de griul iernii, al bolilor, al necazurilor..




Va imbratisez cu drag si dor,





Happy Easter!

May the Blessed Light brought to the world by Christ’s  Resurrection warm up your souls, may It bring kindness, peace, love, the serenity we all need to loose the wrinkles on our foreheads, to enjoy family, friends, to see the good and the beauty surrounding us and to forget the grey of winter, sickness or troubles…



Big hearty hug,
